» Auteurs » OWENS Craig
Ouvrages de l'auteur et directions d'ouvrages
- Le Discours des autres, Romainville : Même pas l’hiver, 2022.
279 p. [Ed. et trad.de Gaëtan Thomas]. - Beyond recognition : representation, power and culture, Los Angeles : University of California Press, 1992.
386 p.
Ouvrages collectifs
- "The Allegorical impulse : toward a theory of postmodernism", in Art and photography, London : Phaidon, 2003.
[Réédition de l’article paru dans October, été 1980, n°13]. - "The Allegorical impulse : toward a theory of postmodernism", in The art of art history : a critical anthology, Oxford : Donald Preziosi : Oxford University Press, 1998.
[Réédition de l’article paru dans October, été 1980, n°13]. - "Ord fra jorden : word from the earth", in UKS : Forum for Samtidskunst, Norway : [UKS], 1997.
p.70-75. - "[Texte]", in Art after modernism : rethinking representation, New York : New Museum of contemporary art Boston : David. R. Godine Publ., 1992.
- "Outlaws : gay men in feminism", in Men in feminism, New York : Alice Jardine and Paul Smith ; Londres : Methuen, 1987.
p.219-232. - "From work to frame, or is there life after the death of author ?", in Implosion : ett postmodernt perspektiv = a postmodern perspective, Stockholm : Moderna Museet, 1987.
p.207-212. - "The Yen for art", in Discussions in contemporary culture, Seattle : Bay Press, 1987.
p.16-23, (Dia Art Foundation). - [Texte], in What is the sexual difference ?, New York : Afterimage , 1985.
- "The Discourse of others : feminists and postmodernism", in The Anti-Aesthetic : essays on postmodern culture, Seattle : Bay Press, 1983.
p.57-77. - "Back to the studio = Retour à l’atelier", in Art 82 : les événements de l’art contemporain dans le monde, Paris : Le Robert, 1983.
p.162-163. [Réédition de l’article paru dans Art in America, janvier 1982, n°1].
- "Earthwords", in Catalogue C’est pas la fin du monde : un point de vue sur l’art des années 80, Rennes : Centre d’Histoire de l’Art Contemporain, 1992.
p.43-57. - "Giulio Paolini", in Catalogue Giulio Paolini, New York : Marian Goodman Gallery, 1987.
- "Posing", in Catalogue Difference : on representation and sexuality, New York : New Museum of Contemporary Art, 1985.
p.5-8. - "Under arrest", in Catalogue The Heroic figure, Houston : Contemporary Arts Museum, 1984.
p.13-16. - "[Texte]", in Catalogue Laurie Anderson : works from 1969 to 1983, Philadelphie : Institute of Contemporary Art : University of Pennsylvania, 1984.
- "The Indignity of speaking for others : an imaginary interview", in Catalogue Art and social change, s.l.: s.n., 1983.
[Repris dans Bulletin 1982-1983, 1983, p.83-85.]. - "[Texte]", in Catalogue Barbara Kruger : we won’t play nature to your culture, London : Institute of Contemporary Arts, 1983.
- "Justen Ladda", in Catalogue Wave Hill 1982 : new perspectives, New York : Wave Hill, 1982.
- "Philip Johnson : history, genealogy, historicism", in Catalogue Philip Johnson : processes the Glass House 1949 and the ATT Corporate Headquater 1978, New York : Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies, 1978.
p.2-11. - "Philip Johnson : history, genealogy, historicism", in Catalogue Philip Johnson : processes the Glass House 1949 and the ATT Corporate Headquater 1978, New York : Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies, 1978.
Articles de périodiques
- "Nombres impropios : lothar Baumgarten y la etnografia critica = Improper names : lothar Baumgarten and critical ethnography’", Kalias, 1992, vol.4, n°8.
p.38-49. - "The Global issue : a symposium", Art in America, juillet 1989.
p.88-89. - "‘Interview with Craig Owens, February 27, 1987", Social Text, 1987, n°27.
p.55-71. [Entretien avec Anders Stephanson]. - "Improper names", Art in America, oct. 1986.
p.126-134, p.187. - "Analysis logical and ideological", Art in America, mai 1985.
p.25-31. - "Commentary : the problem with puerilism", Art in America, été 1984.
p.162-163. - "The Medusa Effect or the specular ruse", Art in America, janvier 1984, vol.72, n°1.
p.97-105. - "Repetition and difference", Art in America, sept. 1983.
p.130-132. [Repris in Catalogue Allan Mc Collum : surrogates, Londres : Lisson Gallery, 1985, p.5-8.]. - "William Wegman’s psychoanalytic vaudeville", Art in America, mars 1983.
p.101-109. - "Mark Tansey at Borgenicht", Art in America, février 1983.
p.137-138. - "Honor, power and the love of women", Art in America, janvier 1983.
p.9-13. - "Bayreuth ’82’", Art in America, sept. 1982.
p.132-139, p.191. - "Sherrie Levine at A&M Artworks", Art in America, été 1982.
p.148. - "Representation, appropriation and power’, ‘Phantasmagoria of the media’, ‘Sarah Charlesworth at 421 West Broadway", Art in America, mai 1982, vol.70, n°5.
p.9-21, p.98-99, p.141. - "Michael Uhlenkott and Jeffrey Valance at LACE", Art in America, mars 1982.
p.155-156. - "Back to the studio", Art in America, janvier 1982, n°1.
p.99-107. - "The Critic as realist", Art in America, sept. 1981.
p.9-11. - "Sects and language", Art in America, été 1981, vol.69, n°6.
p.11-17. - "Telling stories", Art in America, mai 1981.
p.129-135. - "Amplifications : Laurie Anderson’, ‘Robert Longo at Metro Pictures’, ‘The Pro-scenic event", Art in America, mars 1981.
p.121-123, p.125-126, p.128-31. - "Robert Wilson : tableaux", Art in America, nov. 1980, vol.68, n°9.
p.114-116. - "The Allegorical impulse : toward a theory of postmodernism [part 2]", October, été 1980, n°13.
p.58-80. - "The Allegorical impulse : toward a theory of postmodernism [part 1]", October, printemps 1980, n°12.
p.67-86. - "Earthwords", October, automne 1979, n°10.
p.120-130. - "Detachment : from the parergon", October, été 1979, n°9.
p.42-49. - "By the sea", Skyline, mai 1979.
p.8. - "Editor’s note’, ‘Black and white", Skyline, avril 1979.
p.2, p.16. - "Helmsley Hires Arquitectonica’, ‘Dog-Killing Machine’, ‘Ménagerie", Skyline, mars 1979.
p.12. - "Skylights", Skyline, janvier 1979.
p.12. - "Reading", Skyline, déc. 1978.
p.12. - "Editor’s response’, ‘Philip Johnson on Philip Johnson [Entretien par Martha Carroll et Craig Owens]", Skyline, mai 1978.
p.7-8. - "The Postcard as fetish", Skyline, nov. 1978.
p.10. - "Beached", Skyline, oct. 1978.
p.4. - "Mirrors and windows’, ‘Mews’, ‘Past and present’, ‘Hearing’, ‘Tilt", Skyline, sept. 1978.
p.5, p.12. - "Photography en abyme", October, été 1978, n°5.
p.73-88. - "Pope + Pei’, ‘Re-vision’, ‘Tables and chairs’, ‘Re : Ward’, ‘Issues’, ‘Footnote", Skyline, juin 1978.
p.6-7, p.8. - "Projects by Alice Aycock", Skyline, avril 1978.
p.3. - "Einstein on the beach : the primacy of metaphor", October, automne 1977, n°4.
p.21-32. - "Politics of Coppélia", Christopher Street, nov. 1976.
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